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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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Causes of the Revolution
One of the causes of the American revolution were the French and Indian war that lasted 7 years. They had this war because they got allied to get back their land for revenge against the British. In 1756 the British forts were destroyed. Two years later the British stopped French ships from arriving America. In 1759 they took over Quebec and Montreal. The government was forced to surrender all Canada leaving a treaty of Paris in 1763. This treaty ended the war in favor of the British, which kept with Canada and the Great Lakes an the boundary between British and French was the Mississippi.

Models of Government

It had 3 branches:
1. Executive: => Monarchy
2. Legislative: => Parliament - House of Lords
3. From Parliament: - House of commons


Had 2 house legislation (Except Pennsylvania) :

1. Legislature: => 1) Elected Assembly
2) Council of Prominent: They served the King, appointed and represent the King. Life Term.

Only Connecticut and Rhode Island elected their own government, the others were appointed by the king.

The colonist did not elect anyone from the british parliament. The British Model was far from democracy.

Difference in colonial Governments

The British didn't have official document, like a constitution, they have a collection of laws from several years.
The colonist have formal documents.
2/3 of the colonial man can vote.
In England only 1/4 of men can vote.
The Slaves couldn't vote because they were a majority.

In 1760 meanwhile the King was busy with the wars in Europe, the assemblies, here in America were getting power, the governors were not royal, the rich people paid the governor.
The british officials wanted to raise taxes, to have salaries for the royals.
The colonist didn't like to leavy taxation because they didn't have anyone that could represent them in the parliament; they felt they were at the same level with the parliament of England.



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