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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

British empire was angry against the colonists because of the waste of the tea. Since they couldn't blame anyone in specific, they closed ports of Boston until they paid for the tea and also the taxes. They also created the Administration of Justice act, which said that if any British officer commited any crime, he would be sent to Britain for trial. Colonits were so annoyed that they assalted anyone who spoke in favor of royalty.

Colonists, feeling threatened by the acts, created the First Continental Congress. Representatives from all the colonies assisted except from Georgia. In this meeting they agreed on boycotting against British imports.



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Welcome to the American Revolution blog. We are tenth graders that have a proyect that consists on creating a blog on the topic of The American Revolution. Our interest is to provide you information that is realistic and interesting. Our goal is to improve daily the blog. We hope you can find the information you are looking for.
