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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Taxes Upset Colonists
Because of the war that was taking place in America, the British were running out of money. In order to gather more money, the British government decided to levy taxes on the colonists saying that they were the ones who were being protected.
In order to gather the missing money, they decided to impose the Quartering, Sugar and Stamp Act.

The Quartering Act: This act, permited any British soldier to take over any building they wanted, making the colonists that were there to leave the building. It also permited them to be housed in any of the colonist's home. All of this was made to make it easy for British men to keep track of colonists. According to another source "Under the terms of this legislation, each colonial assembly was directed to provide for the basic needs of soldiers stationed within its borders. Specified items included bedding, cooking utensils, firewood, beer or cider and candles."

The Sugar Act: It lowered duty in molasses to avoid smugglers and enforced everyone to pay the duties. According to Wikipedia, the colonists had to pay six pence per gallon of molasses, but it didn't work out becuase of colonial evasion.

The Stamp Act: Tax was imposed on every written thing that colonist would buy. This would include: playing cards, cards, newspapers, books. The written paper must have had the royal stamp for it to be legal. The tax had to be paid with valid British currency, not with colonial paper.

Colonists were mad against the British Government, not beacuase they had to pay taxes, but becuase the Parliament that were imposing them all theses taxes had no colonist in their own representation. They thought that is wasnt fair that someone that didn't know what lifestyle they had came put of nowhere and imposed to give money to the British Government. Colonists would pay taxes they AGREED with the Parliament on paying, any other way, they wouldn't.



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